Baby Felicity came to her newborn session with her Mom and Dad, and her big Brother Mason.
As usual, we began with Family and Siblings Portraits.

Felicity slept like an angel during the whole session. Her two-year old brother Mason, on the other hand, was very curious and actively explored the studio. We eventually managed to direct his attention to a tennis ball he could play with next to his sister while I snapped a few photos.

Sometimes babies sleep like a dream, and with this easy going baby anything was possible. I can’t remember her being upset or fussy at all!

Mom was interested in classic bean bags shots and a composite image on a swing. For these basic Bean Bag Photos, I used two color schemes: white and dusty pink

To accomplish the Composite Image, I photographed Felicity on a curved bench and moved her to the swing during post-processing.
Curved bench shot for a composite:

Final result:

I always do Prop Shots at the end of a session. For these images, Mom picked out a couple of baskets and layers of felt, which helped create beautifully artistic imagery. Doesn’t Felicity look magical, as if wrapped in a flower petal?

Thank you, Baby Felicity and her Family, for the beautiful and peaceful photo session!
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